Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

Instead of writing a long post about our Christmas, I made a word collage on - so much fun!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

For the Love of All Things Snowy...

...STOP SNOWING!!!  That is all.

Oh, and a few pictures from the Christmas festivities this week taken before this monster of a storm hit.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Here Comes Santa Claus!

We celebrated Christmas this weekend with our families since we are going out of town for the Christmas holiday this year.  Lots of fun was had by all!  Liam is now the proud owner of a small army of new toys and books and will also be the best-dressed kid at day care for at least the next three months!

Friday, December 4, 2009

5 Months!

Liam hit the 5 month mark this week - he's growing so fast!  Where does time go?!

Okay, when I pulled this out of his bag after picking him up from day care earlier this week, I immediately understood - for the first time -  why mothers have such a hard time throwing away their childrens' artwork.  Behold, Liam's first Monet:

No, Liam didn't color it (the older kids in one of the other day care rooms colored it for him).  But the body of the turkey IS from a tracing of his foot, and as such, I melted when I saw it.  Absolutely.  Melted.  I plan to be buried with this turkey.

Monday, November 30, 2009

'Tis the Season

We took pictures for our Christmas card this weekend - and to save money, we did it ourselves at home using a red tablecloth and some Christmas decorations.  Liam was a good sport, considering he was only wearing a Santa hat and a diaper!  Here are some of the outtakes for your viewing pleasure:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Liam's Jumperoo and First Tailgate

Liam love, love, LOVES his new jumperoo - as in obsessively loves it.  It is so funny to watch him in it; he looks like a river dancer when he really gets going!

The three of us travelled to Lawrence this past weekend for Turduckenfest at the Bateman's as well as the KU v. Nebraska game.  As such, Liam got to hang out at his first tailgate!  Liam's friend Anderson is in the background of this picture:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

4 Months Old Today!

And Liam's first taste of rice cereal...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Boo! I'm a Football!

Liam dressed as a football for his first Halloween - and as you can see, he had his fair share of Halloween festivities this past week - carving pumpkins, posing with the CEO at mom's work, and trick-or-treating with Aunt Betsy!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Meeting the Cousins

Last weekend, Liam got to meet his two cousins that live in North Carolina for the first time!  We got a great picture of all five of the Maloy cousins together:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Anyone interested in a 1915 Craftsman Style Bungalow???

So Dave and I put our house on the market a little over two weeks ago. We absolutely love our house, but
  1. it turns out that babies take up a lot more room than we originally thought (and Liam hasn’t even really started playing with toys yet),
  2. we figured we might as well put it up for sale while we’re not in a position where we HAVE to move (which gives us some bargaining power),
  3. there are a lot of first time home buyers out there scrambling to take advantage of the $8,000 tax credit before the December 1 expiration date, which may help us sell the house, and
  4. Dave is a realtor, so it’s relatively easy for us to put it on the market.

Our house

We’ve had a lot of people come through and several interested parties, but no offers on it yet. As such, I have ordered a St. Joseph statue to bury in our front yard. Never heard of this? Click here to read about the theory behind St. Joseph and selling a home. If nothing else, it’s fun to bury things in one’s yard.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Liam's Baptism and Bonfire

Last weekend, Liam attended his first bonfire and was baptised! It was a great weekend, and it was wonderful to see so many family and friends.

This first picture is hilarious because Liam is being held just feet away from a very large bonfire by a man drinking a beer. LOL!

Pastor Carlos Schneider baptised Liam at the 11:00 AM service on Sunday, October 4, 2009. Liam wore his Great Grandpa Gil's christening gown, which has also been worn by every one of Gil's direct descendants - so it's a pretty special gown!

My sister and her husband, Betsy and Mark, are Liam's godparents.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Three Months Old Today!

It's a big weekend for Mr. Liam Maloy! Yesterday, he had his first professional photo shoot in honor of his three-month birthday, tonight he will attend his first bonfire, and tomorrow he will be baptized at Kountze Memorial Church in Omaha!

Here are the pictures I took today (note the festive Halloween shirt he is wearing with his super cute jeans):

Friday, September 25, 2009

Purple Lips

Liam got his mouth and lips painted purple earlier this week when he came down with a mild case of thrush - he wasn't bothered by it, but he came home from the doctor looking like The Joker!

In other news, I've been back to work for two weeks now, and I think the three of us are finally starting to get into something that resembles a routine. I miss my little guy during the work day, but I am fortunate enough to be able to work an alternative schedule so that I can have Fridays off at home - that helps a lot.

Here are a couple more recent pictures of Liam, including a shot of the infamous pouty lip:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Good Times in Denver

Dave and I travelled to Denver last weekend for our friend Jamie's wedding. It was a busy, whirlwind weekend, which was good since it was also the first time we were leaving Liam overnight (which was really hard for me to do). We dropped Liam off at my parents' house on Friday morning, and then we were off to Colorado!

We stopped in Paxton, Nebraska, on our way so Dave could experience the glory that is Ole's Big Game Steakhouse and Lounge. Here is a picture of Dave sitting at our table near the moose and jack-a-lope:

We had dinner at a great Moroccan restaurant on Friday night with our friends Darcie and Josh (House of Marrakesh at 1530 Blake Street in Lodo) - I highly their 5-course dinner for two. On Saturday morning, we met our friends Leah and Blake (and their adorable son, Noah) for breakfast before heading to Boulder to spend the afternoon with Dave's cousin, Heidi, her husband Chris, and their newborn baby Kaia. Kaia was born just 8 days after Liam, so it was fun to see another baby close to the same age as our little guy!

Here are some pictures of Chris, Heidi and Kaia:

Jamie and Kendall's wedding was at the Grant-Humphrey's Mansion in Denver. It was a gorgeous affair and a good time was had by all! After the reception, there were after-hours at a nearby pub, and the next morning, we were all invited to a crepe brunch to send-off Jamie and Kendall.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Two Months Old Today!

It's maternity leave ends this month, and I'll return to work on Monday, September 14. :( I can't believe how fast time has flown by since Liam was born; they say once you have kids, it never slows down!

Liam had his two-month check-up and shots yesterday. He's growing like a weed! He tipped the scale at 10 pounds 8 ounces (up almost 3 pounds from his one-month appointment) and measured 23 inches long. He did well getting the shots - it was probably harder for me to watch them stick him three times than it was for him - I'm sure he's forgotten it all by now.

Here are his two-month photos; the most marked difference from the one-month pictures are that he's smiling a lot now!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Perfect Nebraska Weekend

We had a busy weekend! Hanging with Dad on the couch at home, our last sand volleyball game for the season (see you next year, O'Leaver's!), a family get-together at my parents' house, and a surprise 60th birthday party for our friend Laura's mother.

Yea for late summer fun!