My due date is in 65 days. I’ve decided that at this point, I have experienced enough of this thing called pregnancy to make some statements about what is good about being pregnant …and what sucks. I’m not holding myself out as an expert on the subject by any means, but who doesn’t like a good top ten list every now and then?
Top 10 Reasons Why I Like Being Pregnant10. People feel inclined to compliment me, ask me about the baby or hold the door for me when they see me. I’m not ashamed to admit I enjoy the attention!
9. We have saved a small fortune due to my lack of wine consumption.
8. It is completely acceptable for me to be tired, cranky and demanding one minute and full of cheerfulness and energy the next.
7. I can justify buying all of those cute little baby things you see in the stores.
6. I can go to McDonald’s and eat a double quarter pounder with cheese without feeling
too guilty.
5. I have never been more organized in my entire life. The “nesting” instinct came over me pretty early on, and as a result, I have taken our household organization to a new level. (I am fully aware that this will completely fall apart within about a month of Mojo’s arrival.)
4. If I eat too much and my belly sticks out, no one knows it’s because I ate too much – to everyone else, I simply look more pregnant.
3. Dave has started doing a lot of things around the house to help out – WITHOUT BEING ASKED. As such, being pregnant is akin to pigs flying.
2. There’s nothing like feeling your baby kick and move around in your belly. It’s an indescribable feeling. I love it (except when the kicking involves a rib or my bladder).
1. The anticipation! I can’t wait to meet Mojo, and I love daydreaming about being a mom.
Top 10 Reasons Why I’d Be Okay with Mojo Making His/Her Debut A Little Early10. I have not had a beer since October 31, 2008. Enough said.
9. No amount of fresh fruit, prunes or fiber seems to do the trick. Ever.
8. I have always been very attentive towards my feet (i.e., maintaining “sandal-ready” feet). Now that even touching my toes has become next to impossible, my feet only look good for about the first 24 hours after my monthly pedicure.
7. This gestational diabetes thing sucks. I miss sugar and bread.
6. I am more than ready to take 10 weeks off from work. I understand that these 10 weeks will not be a vacation; however, it is 10 weeks I will not have to sit in a cubicle.
5. Sometimes I feel like I have seriously lost my mind. There are many days when I am downright ditzy.
4. I miss sleeping on my back and without being surrounded by a fortress of pillows.
3. I have not had a margarita since sometime last summer. I smelled Betsy’s the other day, and it smelled like heaven.
2. My back hurts, which is causing me to walk around like I’m 80 years old (no offense, Grandma Dot and Grandma Marie).
1. Especially now that it’s warm out, I miss playing golf, tennis and sand volleyball. I know that I
could play golf, but let’s be honest – what is golf without a nice cold beer?