Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Well-Deserved Break from the Nebraska Winter

Dave has been working his butt off in real estate since the local market started picking up in January, and this past weekend, he finally got a well-deserved break – we travelled to the Greensboro, North Carolina area to visit his brother’s family. Sunshine and 65 degree weather has never felt so good!

Dave’s brother, Todd, his wife Nicole, and their two adorable children (Kaitlyn just turned four and Ethan is well on his way to three) live in a grassy, tree-lined suburb of Winston-Salem. We spent a relaxing weekend catching up and playing outside with the kids. Dave even got to play a round of golf for the first time this year!

Dave and Ethan

The highlights of the weekend included the neighborhood Easter egg hunt on Saturday morning and dinner at The Filling Station on Saturday night (great food and atmosphere if you ever find yourself in the area). A cute story I have to share from Saturday evening: when the baby-sitter arrived to watch the kids, Todd introduced her to me and Dave. Having watched his father make the introductions, Ethan piped in and remarked, “There’s a baby in the belly!” as if to scold his father for not introducing his soon-to-be cousin, Mojo! What a riot! Kaitlyn and Ethan are at such a fun age, and it was wonderful to be able to spend so much time playing with them this weekend.

Ethan, Dave and Kaitlyn

On the pregnancy front, I’m starting to freak out a little. On Friday, I’ll start the third trimester. Holy cow. Today, my pregnancy ticker at the bottom of the page says 95 days until my due date…and for some reason, that makes me want to hyper-ventilate. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very excited to meet Mojo…there’s just so much to do at work and at home before he / she gets here! It seems like just yesterday, I was somewhere around the 180 day mark! Where did the time go?!

I took the one-hour glucose test yesterday (that’s the test that all pregnant women have to take to see if they have developed gestational diabetes, or “GD”), and sure enough, I failed it miserably. Sigh. The next step is the three-hour glucose test, which I’m scheduled to take on Thursday. I’m not keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll pass it, but, hey, there’s always hope. It’s not the end of the world if I have developed GD, it just means that I have to watch my blood sugar closely throughout the rest of my pregnancy – more of an inconvenience than anything.

Oh, and Dave finally felt Mojo move for the first time! He was so excited to feel that little thump – you should have seen how his face lit up!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun trip and weekend away! I have heard North Carolina is amazing! Did you drive or fly?

    Bummer about the GD test -- I'll say some extra prayers for Thursday. Hang in there! You've got a great attitude about it, and there's nothing you have done to cause it or bring it on (which I know YOU know), but still...you're doing GREAT! And hang in there with the 3rd trimester freakiness...seriously. It's totally normal to feel that way, and I'd worry if you DIDN'T!

    Plan to visit Lakeside this weekend -- you and Dave need some "extra" practice with a newborn! :) (It's my reason to get to see you!)

    Love you all! -Alyssa
