Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm Taking You Back...

...retro-style!  Here's a sneak peek of the awesomeness that is the new house we bought.  If you click on the collage, it will come up bigger on your screen so you can see the shots better.

And, yes, the room that Liam is sitting in is pink - but we'll be painting it before we make him sleep in it.

Our move date has been changed to May 14 - so we have lots of packing to do over the next few weeks!


  1. May 14?!?! Woo hoo! Can I help you with anything? (I remember the days of packing with 3 weeks notice...the joys!) Let me know if you need ANYTHING!

  2. Crazy decor! Are you sure you want to get rid of that?! Cannot wait to see it in person.
